Frequently asked questions
Where can I park?
You can park in the street you purchased. Enter the street where you park in the second step of the order. You can easily change the address of your parking - just fill in the form and we will update the zone with the address. You can change the address at any time during the paid parking period.
How does the system work?
We are your personal parking assistant - we arrange street parking for you so you can move freely around Prague. We buy street parking time for you. So you can adjust your parking at any time to suit your needs.
How long can I park?
You can park for as long as possible. Should you need to re-park later, please let us know via the form on the main page. Make sure to follow all traffic regulations.
I entered the wrong license plate number, how can I change it?
Please fill in the relevant form on our website and we will resolve your matter as soon as possible. We will then resend you an email confirmation of your order.
Is it possible to download the app to my phone?
We do not have an app to download to your phone, nor do we plan to. But our web app can do everything that needs to be done, quickly and conveniently.
Does this service also work for foreign plates?
Yes. With our app, you can park conveniently even if your vehicle has a foreign licence plate.
I need an invoice with past date, how should I proceed?
Invoices are issued automatically for each order and will be sent to the email address you entered when you placed your order. Invoices may be issued with a slight delay, but are always issued on the same day the order was created. For questions about invoices and invoice adjustments, please contact us at
What should I do if I get a fine?
Please fill out the appropriate form on our website and we will resolve your issue within 60 minutes.
What should I do if I suspect my vehicle has been towed?
First of all, we recommend checking this fact on the website of the Prague City Services Administration at this link . Here you can find out, among other things, which towing lot your vehicle is in. Then please fill in the appropriate form on our website and we will resolve your issue within 60 minutes.
Prague Parking Solution, s.r.o.
Na dolinách 1272/41, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4
IČ 22269860
Copyright Prague Parking Solution, s.r.o. 2024.
Praha 4 140 00. Spisová značka: C 413678 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze